Liberation Way CEO pleads guilty for his role in healthcare fraud

IIG Managing Partner pleads guilty to Ponzi-like scheme

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro announced that the Co-founder and CEO of Liberation Way pleaded guilty for his role in insurance and healthcare fraud.

Liberation Way is treatment center for alcohol and drug addiction and it is located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

In March, AG Shapiro and First Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Jennifer Williams filed criminal charges against Liberation Way CEO Jason Gerner, several employees, founding members and investors of the companies.

The charges against Gernerand his fellow defendants include corrupt organizations, dealing in proceeds of unlawful activities, criminal conspiracy, insurance fraud, identity theft and conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud.

AG Shapiro and U.S. Attorney Williams filed the lawsuit against Liberation Way owners and operators after a Grand Jury investigation revealed they engaged in a “sophisticated and multi-layered scam that took advantage of vulnerable people suffering from substance use disorder to generate millions in profits.”

Defendants are “paying the price” for taking advantage of patients seeking treatment for addiction

On Thursday, Shapiro said Gerner pleaded guilty to criminal conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud and criminal conspiracy to commit money laundering.