Majority of Unvaccinated Americans Don’t Want COVID Jab


A few weeks back, the Biden White House announced a program that would have officials travel to the homes of unvaccinated Americans to persuade them to get the COVID vaccine.  In defense of this plan, the White House alleged that an absence of accessibility is a factor in why more Americans lack immunization against COVID.

However, this is a demonstrably untrue allegation. For instance, the Biden administration invested millions into setting up vaccination centers across the nation. Furthermore, pharmacies have signs plastered nationwide which announce that COVID vaccines are free and readily available.

For quite some time, a fair number of Americans have stated that folks who aren’t inoculated against COVID at this point simply don’t want to be. As it turns out, a new poll from the Associated Press confirms that this is true.

The reality of unvaccinated Americans

Many unvaccinated folks have questions and concerns about the COVID vaccine. It also doesn’t help matters that numerous vaccinated people are still catching coronavirus.