Maxine Waters Links AG Jeff Sessions to Jim Crow Era


Push back against what? Keep minorities in their place how? Who is the arbitrator of minorities’ “place.”

Furthermore, Maxine Waters would do well to substantiate her claims. If she truly believes the Attorney General is a racist, she needs supporting facts.

The Democrats Who Cried Wolf

Left wingers have officially played out the racism card. As a result of them branding everything and everyone they dislike as “racist,” the word no longer carries any weight, which is unfortunate.

Real racism and valid discrimination is always deserving of harsh condemnation and censure. However, in Democrats’ rabid attempts to shut down their critics, they have lost all credibility.

No Evidence Of Sessions Being Racist

Ironically, the people who spend the most time focusing on racism are usually racist themselves. The majority of people who believe Sessions to be a racist have made similar baseless remarks about President Trump.

While there is no evidence to tie Sessions to racism, there is evidence that could potentially distance him from racism. As noted by Conservative Post, Sessions was responsible for prosecuting the KKK during his time as a lawyer.  Would a racist prosecute the KKK? Maybe, but probably not.