Where Is Media Outrage Over White Liberal Who Punched Black Trump Supporter?


The mainstream media’s flagrant hypocrisy is revealed, yet again!

The Assault

As reported by the LA Times, 20-year-old Richard Losey found himself in police custody after attacking R.C. Maxwell, a Trump supporter, who just so happened to be black. Furthermore, added on to the misdemeanor battery was a hate crime charge. Maxwell reports being choked, pepper sprayed, and struck multiple times.

In a day and age where everyone has cell phones, onlookers captured the assault on video and posted the footage on YouTube.

Left Wing Hypocrisy

Unsurprisingly, Losey identified as a member of AntiFa, which is short for ‘anti fascism.’ How ironic is it for a person who claims to oppose fascism to strike those who share different viewpoints?

Furthermore, Losey’s attack is completely hypocritical to a cause the Left claims to cherish and value. The aforementioned cause goes by the colloquialism of: “Black Lives Matter.”

Left wingers took to the streets countless times to protest so called police brutality, yet they have nothing to say about a liberal white man’s attack on a conservative black man. If the roles were the other way around, the liberal outrage would be endless. If a conservative white man attacked a liberal black man, it would make national news.