Mom of Cornell Student Accused of Antisemitic Threats Points to Son’s Online Apology


The Israel-Hamas conflict has intensified tensions and debates, and colleges and universities have become focal points for discussions surrounding the conflict.

 Dai’s arrest occurred against a backdrop of divisive discourse on campuses. It’s worth noting that Cornell had been grappling with its own controversies related to the Middle East debate prior to Dai’s arrest.

Joel Malina, vice president for university relations, emphasized the severity of the situation and called for prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

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The Apology

Bing Liu, Dai’s mother, did not downplay the seriousness of her son’s alleged actions and acknowledged that his guilt or innocence had yet to be determined. She expressed that the apology seemed to reflect her son’s true nature.

 Notably, the timeline suggests that the apology was posted before Dai’s arrest.

Liu raised questions about why the apology had not been shared publicly by prosecutors and the FBI, particularly since the threats had gained national and international attention.