Murdaugh jurors say kennel video ‘sealed the deal’ in the murder conviction


The Snapchat video Paul Murdaugh filmed at the dog kennels on the Murdaugh family property contained audio of Alex Murdaugh yelling at one of the dogs just minutes before the time of the murders.

Alex Murdaugh has been widely criticized for taking the stand in his own defense. Juror Gwen Generette said it convinced her of his guilt.

Generette said, “When he got on the stand, I was like, ‘OK, so it was him. ‘I don’t know him, so I never knew his voice, but I realized it was him in the kennel video, and that just kind of sealed the deal.”

The jurors found Alex Murdaugh’s emotional testimony unconvincing. And they believed there were multiple factors that contributed to the murders, including Murdaugh’s alleged financial crimes.

The verdict has brought some closure to the Murdaugh family’s tragic story, but it has also raised more questions about other deaths tied to the family.