Now’s the Best Time to Sell a Business and Retire, but Many Baby Boomers Are Waiting


As of the summer of 2017, several categories of business acquisition buyers are actively looking for opportunities.  From private equity groups, to companies looking to grow and expand, and even the individual entrepreneur who is looking to acquire their first operation; there is clearly more buyers than sellers.  This leaves mergers and acquisition advisors hunting for quality businesses to feed the frenzy of the market.  Business owners have the opportunity to take advantage of a wide-open sellers’ market where recently completed private equity deals included companies with as low as $500k of EBITDA. Other operating companies are searching for competition and synergistic companies who have even less cash flow.  Those business owners who are experiencing the good times now can leverage their value and capitalize on high profits that aren’t guaranteed later. The fear many have in the M&A market is that too many business owners will get caught investing in their company for another decade while they ride out the next economic disruption wave, and they will be forced to sell their brainchild for pennies on the dollar.