Ultimately, NYC businesses don’t want the job of having to screen individuals’ healthcare records. These establishments also maintain that de Blasio’s program hurts them after they’ve already taken hits since the inception of the virus.
The objective of this lawsuit is to stop New York City’s vaccine passport program. Likewise, business owners maintain that the Key to NYC Pass program has given them a “death sentence.”
Government overreach from the mayor of New York City
This latest compulsory mandate from New York City is facing widespread condemnation as a power move. Many folks are worried about the rise of medical tyranny in America, regardless of how Democrats or health officials justify it.
There is also strong support for Americans choosing what goes into their bodies. As stated in the lawsuit from the Independent Restaurant Owners Association Rescue, businesses don’t want the job of seeing who does or doesn’t have the COVID vaccine. It is not their responsibility.
Time will tell what comes of the aforementioned lawsuit. However, there are many people nationwide rooting for the Independent Restaurant Owners Association Rescue to defeat de Blasio’s vaccine mandate.