Paul Manafort Surrenders To FBI


Earlier this morning, Americans learned that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort turned himself into the FBI, as reported by The Hill.

Everything You Need To Know About Manafort

Manafort and his business partner, Rick Gates were both charged with several counts of money laundering, false information, tax charges, failure to reports of financial accounts and foreign banks, and conspiracy against the United States. Furthermore, the official indictment asserts that Manafort illegally hid money overseas without paying taxes while Gates laundered millions of offshore accounts.

The charges against Manafort and Gates are mutually exclusive from the Trump campaign.

Excerpts from the Official Indictment

Excerpts from the indictment provide a closer look into the charges being brought against Manafort and Gates. They are as follows:

In furtherance of the scheme, Manafort used his hidden overseas wealth to enjoy a lavish lifestyle in the United States without paying taxes on that income.