Pence Flattens Pelosi, Dismisses 25th Amendment Chatter


During a public statement the day after the melee broke out at the Capitol, Trump again denounced the violence and actions of the extremists and called for unity. He assured the public that “energies were being focused on creating a smooth transition of power and to work in concert with the incoming administration.”

Tuesday, Trump stated that he and his team are working towards a seamless transition of power and are asking the public for unity instead of continued discord. Questions have arisen as to the motivation behind the incessant and obsessive need to remove President Donald J. Trump from office prematurely. These actions by the Democratic Party continue to rip at the fabric of a nation that is looking to heal.

Pence’s strong and dignified statements this evening should be taken as a model of behavior for the next week. This would allow for the people to begin the healing process, and our country to transition peaceably from one administration to the next.

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