President Trump Speaks Before CPAC Crowd: “Believe in Freedom!”


On Saturday, President Donald Trump delivered remarks to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) crowd. During his time on stage, the president discussed various issues and values which are critical to conservative Americans.

Reviewing President Trump’s 2019 CPAC Speech

The national emergency declaration and vows for America to remain a capitalist nation served as two of President Trump’s main talking points. Both of these issues come at a pivotal time in this country; the president recently declared a national emergency to build his border wall following an unrelenting impasse with Congressional Democrats.

Preserving the capitalist roots of America is also a subject matter which conservatives cherish. Many on the right have expressed concerns about the left-wing becoming radical and pushing for socialist policies, such as the Green New Deal and the abolishment of private healthcare.

However, the president made clear that the United States will never succumb to socialism:

“Socialism is not about the environment, it’s not about justice, it’s not about virtue. Socialism is about only one thing: it’s called power for the ruling class.”