Stay out of My Garden!


These types of relationships can go on forever unless that person can step back and make some needed changes. Focus on the desires and interests of oneself while also assisting others in getting their needs met for themselves as well. In other words, balance it out.

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Develop your own Passions that belong just for you . No need to invite anyone else . This one, or ones, are just for you. In fact, make it clear if necessary to your loved ones that this belongs to only You and does not involve them. If this is a new quest for you, get ready for some resistance from the existing people in your life.

They will not be used to you having your own Life aside from the one you share with them. Guilt bombs, pouting, and even direct anger towards you from the ones in your life who are used to the old “Selfless” you can often occur until this “new” balanced pattern gets some miles on her. In the meantime, enjoy your “Me” time. Set limits with anyone who tries to encroach on your space and encourage them to also focus more on themselves as well, so you don’t have to as much anymore.