Strong Majority of Teenagers Report Happiness Sans Cell Phones


Teens and young adults are commonly stereotyped as individuals who can’t stand to put down their phones for even a few minutes. Granted, as technology increasingly affects how people communicate, order food, and even keep up with schoolwork, folks of varying ages are bound to keep their mobile devices nearby.

In the case of teenagers, the notion of a hopeless addiction to phones may have stronger roots in fiction than reality. As it turns out, a brand new study dispels the narrative that young people simply can’t function without being in proximity to these gadgets.

Here’s the truth about teens and cell phones

The Pew Research Center released an interesting study on this topic earlier today. According to the findings, 95% of kids between 13 and 17 use the internet on a daily basis and can easily access a mobile phone.

However, while apart from these devices, 74% reported feelings of happiness. Likewise, 72% of teens said they still feel peaceful even in the absence of a phone.

Only three out of ten kids in this age range stated they experience loneliness or become upset when parted from their cellphones. 44% admitted to feelings of anxiety sans proximity to mobile gadgets.