Supreme Court ends historical term


In the shadow of a global pandemic, civil rights movement, and brutal election season, the Supreme Court has ended its term and will resume the first week of October. 

Here are three highlights from the term: 


In his July 9 statement, Chief Justice Roberts addressed six court employees who are retiring. But the question of whether or not the Supreme Court bench will see a justice retire is still all speculation. Rumors milled in May about what Justice Clarence Thomas’ future looks like. Thomas, 71, has outright said he will not retire, but his recent PBS documentary started churning the rumor mill, as the documentary is typical for retiring justices. 

President Trump may have only a few months left to add another conservative to the bench. If Joe Biden wins in November, America might possibly see the two eldest justices, Ginsburg and Breyer, retire and allow Biden to replace them with progressive justices. 

Birth control

As many as 126,000 women may lose their access to birth control through their employer due to the Supreme Court’s 2020 decision to allow religious or moral objections to block employees from the Affordable Care Act’s right to contraceptive coverage.