Tennessee Moves to Bring Awareness to Human Trafficking


Despite popular assumptions, human trafficking is a very real plight that remains alive and well today. This form of modern-day slavery isn’t just taking place in third-world, underdeveloped countries; it’s also happening right here in the United States.

Between culture wars, heated political divisions, etc., human trafficking doesn’t come close to getting the same levels of attention. However, this doesn’t make it any less real, insidious, or in need of eradication.

Over the years, a growing amount of attention has gone towards fighting the scourge of human trafficking. Although much more work still remains.

In multiple counties across Tennessee, locals remain actively engaged in raising awareness.

Grassroots efforts in Crockett and Haywood Counties

On Monday morning, health department workers of both Crockett and Haywood Counties, along with other organizations, gathered at Brownsville’s 1 Safe Place Family Justice Center to raise awareness about human trafficking.

During this meeting, participants filled cracks in the sidewalks with red sand. This display served as the Red Sand Project.