Tesla is in Disarray: Most Employees Fear for their Livelihood


According to a survey of the nearly 8,000 tech employees at Tesla by workplace app Blind, nearly every single one is most afraid of layoffs at their company. Especially after the waves made by layoffs at Activision and Buzzfeed News, Tesla employees have revealed that they are frightened of the same nightmare occurring across the board at Tesla.

Last month alone, Tesla cut nearly 7% of its workforce, and if their revenue does not reach the already-lofty goals, more layoffs may be around the corner. 3,000 staff were fired in one month, and recent articles have suggested that Tesla is rife with job-insecurity.

Elon Musk, himself, has gained quite the reputation for randomly firing people if they did not meet his exceptionally high standards. In response, Tesla released a statement in which they noted, “Elon cares very deeply about the people who work at his companies. That is why, although it is painful, he sometimes takes the difficult step of firing people who are underperforming and putting the success of the entire company.”