The Beano, a beloved British comic book, has reached a momentous milestone as it celebrates its 85th anniversary. This iconic publication has been a cornerstone of childhood entertainment, providing quizzes, games, jokes, and comic fun for kids across generations.
In a special edition commemorating 85 years of publication, Beano features a whimsical mix of fictional and real-life characters.
The Prince and Princess of Wales join the likes of King Charles, Queen Camilla, and numerous other UK celebrities. Even modern-day figures such as Manchester United footballer Marcus Rashford and YouTuber KSI have made their appearances on the cover of this historic issue. However, it is worth noting that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were not part of the comic’s celebration.
The Beano makes history with 85 years
As the head of “mischief” at The Beano, Mike Stirling expressed his joy in continuing to champion the essence of childhood through the comic’s pages. He highlighted the dedication of the publication to show kids being kids, capturing the power and joy of youthful innocence. The Beano’s commitment to bringing smiles to children’s faces remains unwavering, ensuring that being a kid never gets old.