Thwarting the Will of the People, Hypocrisy and Crony Capitalism – Pot and the Florida GOP


This leaves us to wonder if Mr Corcoran, who has worn his principles on his sleeve this session fighting to kill corporate giveaways and lucrative state contracts to celebrities to market Florida – is willing to sacrifice those same principles because the social conservative in him hates medical marijuana that much. It is not lost on insiders that Corcoran must be torn to pieces on this issue. First, there is that “picking winners and losers” thing. Then there is the discernable Soviet-style attempt of controlling markets by artificially limiting market entry. Finally, there is John Morgan, who many believe has bankrolled Corcoran and his political efforts for years and whom Corcoran has secretly helped massively through surrogates in the process. But alas, none of that matters unless the legislature reconvenes to do its job, something that Speaker Morgan… ah, Corcoran, has called for already as soon as benefactor Morgan raised a ruckus at Session’s end.

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Easy Fix: 

Sadly, there is an easy fix here for the GOP, one which sadly, that they will never adopt. Acquiesce to the will of the voters and remember that markets work and the Soviet Union failed, for a reason. Pharmaceutical drugs and alcohol provide two very easy ways to replicate a new regulatory system for medical marijuana. Create a very high standard for anyone cultivating medical marijuana. Perhaps consider the three-tiered: Production, Distribution and Retail regulatory system that worked for years with alcohol in America (at least until the California wineries wanted to circumvent the distributions and direct-ship). Consider a mandated system of controls for growers, with a high bond mandate to ensure compliance with product quality, control and monitoring. Maybe even consider seed or plant pedigree tracking.