Traditional TV is Dying

Entertainment TV ratings keep falling

For the last few years television viewers have been shrinking. No, not in physical size. We’re all the same height, thank you very much. But we’re shrinking in viewership. With competition from Netflix, Hulu, and other streamable services, traditional TV shows don’t have the appeal that they once used to. Adding in the fact that streamable services cost MUCH less than cable TV, it’s no surprise that major networks are worried about the smaller audiences.

According to the New York Times, the types of show that are still doing okay are shows that involve Doctors, or medical dramas, and shows produced by Dick Wolfe (*cough cough* Law and Order: Special Victims Unit *cough cough*).

Medical dramas have always had large audiences. Back in the day, House, carried Fox. Then there’s ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, which is in its 15th season thanks to its cult like following. This year a handful of new medical dramas popped up on each of the major Networks, hoping for a grand slam with viewers.

ABC has The Good Doctor that follows an autistic surgical resident and his unique medical cases. Also in its second season, the Good Doctor seems to be a favorite with viewers.