Trump Accuses Sessions of Being One-Sided


President Donald Trump continued his criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions this week. Sessions, however, refuses to step down despite the president’s lack of support.

Sessions’ Betrayal?

Jeff Sessions was the first senator that endorsed Trump for president. After the election, Trump appointed him as attorney general. Their alliance ended shortly after the election, however. When the Justice Department began investigating possible Russian involvement, Sessions recused himself. He said that because he was part of Trump’s campaign, it would be inappropriate for him to lead the investigation. That’s when he appointed former FBI director Robert Mueller to lead the case.

Trump has said over the past year that Sessions should step in and end the “Russian Probe.” He says that it only fuels his enemies and detracts from his job as president. Because he has not ended the investigation, Trump says that Sessions “never took control of the Justice Department.” He asked in a Fox and Friends interview Wednesday, “What kind of man is this?”