Sidney Powell, the attorney who says she is fighting to have the results of the 2020 presidential election changed, just got some bad news from President Donald Trump.
She has been cut off from the president and told she will not be serving as special counsel on election fraud matters.
The president had discussed appointing her as special counsel to investigate alleged election fraud but then decided that “giving her such a formal portfolio for pursuing her conspiracy theories around voter irregularities and fraud,” was not a wise idea.
Rudy Giuliani, the president’s head attorney and former mayor of New York City was asked if Powell had been given the news to which he replied, “Yes,” and that “she is no longer part of [our] team. She is on her own.”
Powell then issued a statement of her own to Fox News in which she said, “I have been blocked by White House counsel and others from seeing or speaking to the President since I raised the public formal findings and even more evidence of foreign interference from Iran and China.”