U.S. Servicemembers Come Out Against Mandatory COVID Vaccines


When the Pentagon implemented this COVID vaccine mandate, they apparently didn’t think it through. According to present members of the military, this mandate could very well reduce future military recruits.

Some servicemembers are vaccinated against COVID. However, many who aren’t believe that this mandate should come with a means to opt out or otherwise decline. The White House’s current strategy of mandates from the top down is only leading to more pushback and resistance.

The counterintuitive consequences of mandates

Supporters of COVID vaccine mandates have no qualms with these measures whatsoever. They believe that implementing these edicts will engender a surge in vaccination rates. However, this is very small and binary thinking.

It doesn’t take into account the reality that many Americans don’t trust this vaccine. These aggressive mandates and the shaming of anyone who chooses not to get vaccinated against COVID doesn’t inspire trust. This course of action only leads to more skepticism and pushback.