Kadyrov, a long-time Putin ally, has troops on the frontlines fighting with Russia. His message posted on Telegram said: “If today or tomorrow changes are not made in the conduct of the special military operation, I will be forced to go to the country’s leadership to explain to them the situation on the ground.”
This unprecedented criticism of the Russian army and Putin’s leadership. And maybe a reflection of the disarray resulting from the surprise Ukraine counterattack.
Al Jazeera’s Gabriel Elizondo reported that many pro-Russian Telegram channels were also acknowledging the defeat. “And one high-profile military analyst said that their troops are in an operational crisis and that the Ukrainians have seized the initiative in this war”.
ISW reports a large number of Russian soldiers have been captured. And POWs are being transported out of the area. There are also estimates that up to 20,000 Russian soldiers are stranded in the area.
Just arrived in Kharkiv, there’s no electricity. The Kharkiv branch of the public broadcaster Suspilne say Russia has hit critical infrastructure and the regional energy company is working to restore power.
— Isobel Koshiw (@IKoshiw) September 11, 2022