It has been 200 days since Russia invaded Ukraine. And over the weekend Ukraine began a massive counterattack which has reportedly dealt a heavy blow to the Russian military and occupation forces.
As the occupying soldiers were pushed out of the area the governor of the Kharkiv region announced that Russian forces struck critical infrastructure, leading to blackouts. And that water distribution lines had also been cut in several areas in eastern Ukraine.
After defeats on the battlefield,ruscists attacked our heat&power stations.
They’re running away from 🇺🇦 soldiers&taking revenge on civilians.
They will not break our spirit.
If there will be lack of light, we shall have shade in which to fight them.— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) September 11, 2022
Ukraine counterattack
According to Ukrainian chief commander General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, a Ukraine counterattack has made significant advances to the North from Kharkiv to within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of the Ukraine-Russian border. And its army is also pressing to the south and east in the same region.
It has been 200 days since Russia invaded Ukraine. And over the weekend Ukraine began a massive counter-offensive which has reportedly dealt a heavy blow to the Russian military and occupation forces.