Recent video footage has emerged showing Ukraine’s use of controversial cluster munitions in the Donetsk Oblast, reportedly targeting Russian infantry. This comes shortly after the US announced an $800 million package that included a shipment of cluster bombs to Ukraine.
While American officials claim the U.S. shipment of bombs will aid Kyiv in dealing with munition shortages, human rights advocates and critics are raising concerns about the devastating impact of these weapons.
Cluster Munitions: Controversial and Devastating Weapons
These weapons release multiple bomblets or submunitions over a wide area, causing indiscriminate destruction. While they can be effective in certain situations, they pose significant risks due to their individual dud rate.
Many of these bomblets fail to explode upon impact, creating dangerous duds that can remain active for years. It is effectively like leaving functioning lethal landmines after a battle.
More than 100 countries have banned their use. These countries have joined the Convention on Cluster Munitions, aiming to eliminate these weapons and protect civilians from their deadly consequences.