The highly anticipated One Piece live-action, Eiichiro Oda’s renowned manga, is set to hit Netflix on August 31. Netflix provided a generous peek into the show with their most extensive trailer yet, released in celebration of the annual One Piece Day on July 22.
An Extensive Preview in New Trailer
The newly released One Piece live action trailer provides a more extensive look into the adventures of Luffy and the Straw Hat crew. It offers a glimpse of their ship, their unique flag, and the antagonists they’ll face in the first season, including the infamous Buggy the Star Clown.
Eiichiro Oda’s Letter to Fans
In addition to the preview, Netflix unveiled a heartfelt letter penned by Oda, in which he commends the series’ creators, actors, and their collaboration:
“All of the actors’ efforts, the creation of the world, the costumes, the unique presentation of live action, the dialogue – the whole process was a celebratory collaboration of many individuals,” Oda expressed.
Having worked on this project for seven years, Oda couldn’t hide his excitement for the series’ upcoming release, and his anticipation for the global acclaim he hopes the team will receive.