Vice President Kamala Harris Garners 49% Approval Rating


There are a variety of factors that can carry weight in the 49% approval rating for Vice President Harris; however, the Southern border crisis is a huge one. In mid-March, Biden announced that Harris would oversee fixing the border crisis that he created with one executive action after the other.

However, despite Harris’ appointment to this task, she’s taken little to no action. The Southern border is still a mess. States such as Arizona and Texas are still having to absorb the economic costs of border management that the federal government should be handling.

Many Americans want to see Harris actually make a change. They want her to hold a press conference and speak to the public about the border.

What is the vice president currently up to?

Unfortunately, Harris has shown Americans that fixing the Southern border crisis is not a priority. Instead, the vice president is choosing to focus on promoting the supposedly infrastructure-focused $2.3 trillion spending bill; despite the PR campaign, less than 6% of the bill relates to infrastructure.