Warren, Sanders Gain Popularity Amongst Democrat Voters


While former vice president and current 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden is still in the lead, other candidates are catching up.

According to a new Quinnipiac University poll, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are moving upward and gaining ground amongst voters within their party.

Reviewing the Findings from Quinnipiac University

According to the poll’s findings, Warren and Sanders have experienced mild gains within the past few weeks. Warren currently resides at 13% which serves as a 4% increase from her standing in March. Sanders is a few points above at 16% which serves as a 5% increase from his standing in April. However, Biden still retains his significant lead and popularity at 35%, according to Quinnipiac University’s findings.

Both Sanders and Warren tend to appeal to the more staunch progressives within the Democrat Party. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that Warren’s popularity surged after her public calls for various policies which Democrats believe will help Americans. Similarly to Warren, Sanders has also spoken out in favor of progressive policies.