White House Denounces Unprecedented Obstruction


While both parties make the same mistake, the Democrats go much further.  They insist upon absolute opposition to President Trump.  Since they have made the case to their voters that Trump is a threat to our democracy, they cannot do otherwise.  This encourages obstruction, blocking nominees who would otherwise breeze through the Senate. This prevents compromise, while encouraging angry progressives to hound those who occasionally seek compromise or vote for a nominee. To appeal to their base’s passions and harm the president, they have placed opposition to Trump’s agenda above their own policy goals.  It remains to be seen whether they will sacrifice vulnerable senators to this passion in 2018.  Senator Heitkamp, Senator Manchin, Senator Donnelly, and others cannot satisfy both their voters and a passionate base.  Until Democrats cease to demonize their opposition and crucify dissenters, they shall remain in the minority.