How Will the Midterm Elections Affect the Ongoing Russia Probe?


The upcoming midterm elections will have a considerable impact on the ongoing Russia probe, according to The Hill.

An Overview of Midterm Elections and Their Impact on the Russia Investigation

As the midterm elections draw nearer, people may interpret new advancements in the Russia probe as politically motivated efforts to sway the election results. The considerable controversy and divisive public opinions about the investigation further contribute to perceived conflicts of interest.

“It’s a double-edged sword,” University of Texas law professor Stephen Vladeck said of Mueller’s dilemma. “There comes a point where you are damned if you do, damned if you don’t.”

Republican strategist Doug Heye also stated that President Donald Trump could insinuate that any potential indictments are being used as political weapons.

“It could be very easy to see the president of the United States at a rally four days before the election talking about fake indictments,” Heye said. “That could be a challenge for the investigation.”