Will Vindication from Russia Collusion Help Trump in 2020?


Meanwhile, conservatives couldn’t be happier. From the jump, the right-wing maintained that the Russia investigation had no merit. President Trump ongoingly affirmed that he never colluded with the Russians in order to win the 2016 presidential election.

Since the results of the Mueller probe, the president has weighed in!

How Could the Results Help President Trump in 2020?

The potential benefit to President Trump extends beyond the results of the investigation. Many people in this country have noted the disappointment which has come from the Democrats following the probe’s results. The responses have largely validated right-wing concerns that the left wants the president to be guilty.

The left may sabotage themselves if they continue harping on the Russia probe. Over the past few months, Republicans have questioned whether or not Democrats hate Trump more than they love America. The left-wing’s response to the probe appears to affirm that the hatred for Trump overwhelms their love for the country.