Zacarias Moussaoui Files Federal Lawsuit Against President Donald Trump

Zacarias Moussaoui (photo policière), inculpé dans l'enquête sur les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 aux États-Unis, a réclamé jeudi un enregistrement d'une interview télévisée dans laquelle il prétend être disculpé par un des coordinateurs présumés des attentats, d'après des documents judiciaires rendus publics jeudi. Zacarias Moussaoui, qui assure lui-même sa défense, a demandé à la justice l'autorisation de visionner une interview de Ramzi Binalchibh, arrêté en septembre au Pakistan quelques jours après la diffusion de cette interview sur la chaîne de télévision qatarie Al Djazira, puis remis aux autorités américaines. Photo Reuters (Handout)

Convicted terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui filed a handwritten federal lawsuit against President Donald Trump. Moussaoui was convicted for his involvement in the 9/11 World Trade Center attack. Moussaoui alleges that Trump tried to use “sadistic restrictions in the supermax prison” to stop him from talking about what really happened. Moussaoui alleges that federal authorities are trying to cover up the true perpetrators behind the terrorist attack. Moussaoui alleges that he’s undergone “psychological torture” because of his isolation from other prisoners.

Moussaoui Filed Lawsuit in Oklahoma and Colorado

Moussaoui filed his federal lawsuit in both Oklahoma and Colorado. He chose Oklahoma because he believes he is a citizen of the state because he attended flight school there 20 years ago. It was simultaneously filed in Colorado because that is where Moussaoui is serving out his sentence.

Oklahoma Criminal Defense Attorney Worries Moussaoui Is Talking in Code

While many experts believe that Moussaoui’s federal lawsuit will be dismissed, Al Hoch, a criminal defense attorney in Oklahoma City, believes that some of the names and comments within the federal complaint is Moussaoui’s attempt to pass on a message in code. Hoch stated that he’s seen this method used before.

Moussaoui Serving Life for 9/11 Attack

Zacarias Moussaoui is serving a life sentence for his part in the 9/11 attack. He’s currently housed in ADX Supermax (better known as ADMAX and the Alcatraz of the Rockies) in Fremont County, Colorado. Four years ago, Moussaoui complained in a written letter to Brooklyn Federal Judge Brian Cogan that prison was hard because he was considered a “snitch” by Ramzi Yousef, a terrorist convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. He also alleged that members of the Mexican Mafia, Aryan Brotherhood, the founder of the Bloods gang, and a drug lord all planned to kill him because of it. Eventually, Moussaoui was placed in protective custody as a result of the threats he alleged were made against him.