Job Interview Coming Up? Here Are a Few Tips for Making a Good Impression


Job interviews aren’t meant to be comfortable. By nature, they’re meant to put you on the spot. To test how you’ll respond under pressure and in a tough social environment. That doesn’t exactly put you at ease, does it?

What if I told you that first impressions are everything? That you can lose a job based on how you present yourself both physically and verbally? Sweating yet?

Here’s the thing: interviews might seem daunting, but if you obey a few simple rules, they’re pretty easy and can even be fun.

After all, if you don’t get the job you’re after and you’ve made a good impression, you’ve just created connections in your field, regardless.

So, here are a few tips for making that good first impression:


Be Prepared

One of the most common questions you’ll be asked in an interview is, “Why do you want to work for us?”

It’s a question that leaves a lot of potential employees stumped and stuttering. “Uh, because I need a job?” That’s not an option. You have to give your potential employer a cogent, well-prepared answer.