Over the course of the 2020 presidential election, conservatives have regularly hit their progressive counterparts for being too far to the left. While many Democrat candidates favor what they view as bold change, certain Americans view their desired change as radical. Now, while most of this criticism comes from Republicans, the right-wing isn’t the only group to take issues with Democrats’ policies.
A new survey conducted by Hill-HarrisX affirmed that almost half of Independents view the Democrat Party as too extreme. This is very interesting, considering that Independents are a relevant voter block with the power to sway elections.
Reviewing the Independent Assessment of the Democrat Party
While 48% of Independents perceive the Democrat Party as too far left, only 33% of Independents think the Republican Party is too far right. Only 20% of Democrats believe that their party is too far left; while 68% of Republicans view the Democrat Party as radical.
The data from the aforementioned survey also comes near the time of the second primary debates. During these debates, progressives and moderates battled one another over the most effective direction to take the Democrat Party.