What exactly did HNB owner Jon Dorko actually do?
According to Dorko’s LinkedIn profile, it was Dorko that handled customer service, fulfillment, and merchant billing services.
Yet the invoices to HNB from Direct Outbound Services appear to tell a different story. In essence, it appears that Direct Outbound Services made money from responding to consumer complaints to State AGs, the BBB, Visa/Mastercard, customer service, contract manufacturing, and more.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://usaherald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Direct-Outbound-Services-Invoice-to-Healthy-New-Beginnings-11-ilovepdf-compressed-1.pdf” title=”Direct Outbound Services bills to Healthy New Beginnings”]
It’s curious to note that John Monarch’s business partner and attorney, Aaron Kelly, is currently facing action by the Arizona Bar for his alleged role in manufacturing fake defendants for his clients to sue. The Arizona Bar has also accused Monarch’s business partner of creating fake notaries, as noted in this Washington Post article published by UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh.