Arizona Governor Signs Bill Boosting Teachers’ Wages and School Funding  

Arizona Governor signs bill

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed into law a bill that increases the wages of teachers and funding for schools. His action comes amid a week-long strike that kept almost a million students across the state out of school.

Thousands of Arizona teachers and supporters of the RedforED movement flooded the state capitol for five days. They demanded the state legislature to provide a competitive salary for teachers and all support staff and to restore the $1 billion funding for education.

Arizona Teachers RedforED movement Third Day Strike
Credits: Noah Karvelis/RedforED movement

On Wednesday, Arizona lawmakers debated the state budget that almost thirteen hours and passed it around 5:30 a.m. on Thursday. Gov. Ducey immediately signed House Bill 2663 also dubbed as the #20×2020 plan, one of the legislation included in the state budget, to end the teacher strike.

In a video posted on Twitter, Gov. Ducey said, “It’s been a long day and a long night. I’m excited to sign House Bill 2663…It’s gonna codify the 20% teacher pay raise by 2020.”