On Friday, TV host Bill Maher expressed very strong opinions about “all” Republicans, as documented by The Hill.
Maher on “All” Republicans
Following the release of the controversial FISA memo, Bill Maher used his opening remarks for HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” to opine the hereinafter thoughts about Republican Americans:
However, the TV host did not stop there. Maher then went on to express his aversion to the First Family and (other) right-wingers:
Moreover, Maher made sure his viewers were aware of his unhappiness regarding the release of the FISA memo:
More Information Regarding Maher’s Commentary
The release of the aforementioned FISA memo has heightened tensions between Republicans and Democrats. Although many Americans called for the release of the FISA memo prior to Friday, February 2, 2018, not everyone was happy to see the formerly classified document made public. Certain members of the GOP, such as John Kasich, censured the release as “politically motivated.”