The Bill of Rights is not a quaint relic of the 1700’s


The truth is, no matter what we ban, the only people who will use banned instruments for bad deeds will be criminals. Stunningly, it is lost on liberals that most people using freely available instruments for crimes are criminals. The acts committed by these whack-jobs are already illegal, so a reaction to make them even more illegal by banning the instrument of their evil and expecting a different result is foolish on its face.

Liberals know that guns are not the only things that kill people. They don’t care, they want to control people lives and guns are one of America’s greatest symbols and expressions of freedom. Control guns, control minds.

Instead of looking at the glorification of weapons, guns, killing and the desensitizing of death brought by Hollywood’s liberals and the gaming industry, picking on guns is the approach because conservatives like them. God forbid that liberals consider the dangers of the First Amendment!  Suing Glock is much more fun for the left than attacking their liberal elite check writers in Hollywood.