BREAKING: Leaked Hunter Biden associate texts reveal wish ‘to get Joe involved’ in joint Chinese business venture


He further added, “I know why the [sic] wants the deal and what makes it enormous, it’s the family name, in reality, they could have asked for 51 percent, maybe u would not be interested but many U.S. moguls would have been.”

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>In the last series of texts, Bobulinski asked Gilliar to not “…mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid.”

As of today, there is zero hard evidence Joe Biden directly participated in this ongoing conversation. But, there certainly is cause for suspicion as Hunter Biden’s close associates make it clear they wanted Joe to get involved in the deal and were emphatic about keeping it under wraps.

These leaks mark another instance of the Biden family’s precarious ties with America’s greatest foreign rival, China.


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