Former Trump Aide Questions Need for Daily White House Press Briefings


On Sunday, former White House press secretary Sean Spicer questioned the demand for daily press briefings, according to The Hill.

An Overview of Spicer’s Remarks

Since the inception of the Trump Presidency, members of the media have clashed with the Commander-in-Chief and his administration. The President’s tense relationship with the national press began during his 2016 campaign. Throughout his bid for the Oval Office, he frequently branded the media as “fake news.”

The aforementioned nickname admittedly came about after then-candidate Trump felt as though the media willfully misrepresented him for the sake of increasing Hillary Clinton’s chances of victory. However, the press has pushed back against the preceding assertions on numerous occasions, claiming that they are simply doing their jobs.

Unfortunately, the discord did not subside after President Trump’s victory. It moreover persisted while Sean Spicer worked as press secretary and remains alive and well under current press secretary Sarah Sanders.