You Can Get Cash Fast With These Side Hustles


2020 has been a financially debilitating year for many families and individuals across the nation. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has put millions of people out of work.

Those in the travel and hospitality industries in particular have been hit the hardest due to a closed economy and travel restrictions that were put in place to help curb the spreading disease. Many of these people turned to find part-time work, freelance gigs, and side hustles to help supplement the income they lost due to layoffs and hour cuts. Below are a few ideas of how you can increase your monthly income to help offset your financial struggles or even just to pad your pockets with a little more green

Become a Dog Walker

Dog walking has been a popular side hustle for people who both love animals and have free time throughout the day. If the weather isn’t great, that can be a bit of a turn-off, but the cash you can stack walking dogs certainly can make any day seem like a warm sunny day.

Consider signing up for a dog walking service like Rover, Barkly Pets, or PetBacker. Dog walkers make $14 on average according to a study done by Payscale. This rate is considerably higher in metropolitan areas where the cost of living, in general, is higher. Some dog walkers can charge $25 per half hour and $40 per hour if they have developed a good reputation and loyal customer base.