Judge William J. O’Neil to preside over Attorney Daniel Warner / Aaron Kelly legal fraud case



Bradley F. Perry, Counsel for the State B

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ar of Arizona, filed an official complaint against both Aaron Kelly and Daniel Warner, accusing them of egregious fraud on the courts all throughout the United States:

“There is no notary in Fulton County named Amanda Sparks…. The notarization by Amanda Sparks is a forgery…. Connie Hood and Jesse Wood are not real. Connie Hood and Jesse Wood were fabricated in order to obtain a stipulated order of permanent injunction removing criticism of Adam Lynd from the internet…. Howard Marks is not real…. Robert Smith is not real…. Damon Lentz is not real….”

[pdf-embedder url=”https://usaherald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Complaint.pdf”]

In response to the Arizona Bar action, the Kelly Warner lawyers claim that the State Bar of Arizona got it all wrong.  Their defense is that they had no clue that there was fraud transpiring in their defamation cases, and that they had no “reasonable belief” that their clients accused of fraud, scams, and other shenanigans were commiting fraud in each case…rather their clients were all the luckiest defendants in the world by miracously discovering within days, sometimes hours of Kelly/Warner initial case filings, who the author of the online complaints were.  Adding to their clients luck the authors of these “defamatory” statements all just happened to consent to a permanent injunction immediately thereafter….