The Marriage of Science and Marketing


That adorable little baby puts a smile on our face and smiling triggers our brain chemistry. There was an article about this in Psychology Today a few years back that explained it quite well. When we smile endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are all released making us feel better about ourselves.

Dopamine is a chemical that makes us feel pleasure and endorphins are the body’s natural pain reliever. When you throw in serotonin, which lifts your mood, the overall effect is positive on the body. If we can use babies in advertising effectively, it can trigger these emotions and could potentially lead to an increase in sales.


No Mr. Spock Among Us

There are plenty of things that marketers have learned about consumers using scientific research. For one thing, we don’t necessarily think rationally when making purchasing decisions. We all like to think we make rational decisions, but our emotions and subconscious often take over. For those Star Trek fans out there, there aren’t too many emotionless Mr. Spock’s among us.