Microsoft enters early talks to acquire TikTok US operations


Far from being a minnow in tech, Microsoft has managed to stay out of the spotlight, even with its trillion-dollar valuation. While acquiring a piece of TikTok has raised questions of ‘synergy’ with the rest of Microsoft’s portfolio, the interest is certainly there.

Currently, TikTok is valued at $50 billion, a modest sum in the grand scheme of tech companies. To compare, Facebook is valued $725 billion. That said, TikTok is poised to become an even bigger earner with the addition of specially curated advertising for its primarily young audience.

Needless to say, it is no surprise that multiple players are lining up to get a piece of the pie. Acquiring TikTok poses an interesting set of questions. Mainly, how will Microsoft go about carving out the U.S. TikTok division from the larger Chinese owned company.


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