Pennsylvania GOP Leaders Ask SCOTUS to Block Remedial Congressional Map


Additionally, they argued that implementing the remedial congressional map will cause irreparable harm to the General Assembly.

“The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s order blatantly usurps the power of the Pennsylvania General Assembly and inflicts confusion on the Commonwealth’s upcoming congressional elections,” said Scarnati and Turza in their filing.

Earlier this month, the SCOTUS denied Scarnati and Turzai’s petition to stay the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s redistricting order.

Legal experts suggested that the GOP leaders will likely fail to stop the implementation of the remedial congressional map.

Justin Levitt, a law professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, said, “The likelihood that [Republicans] will get a response from the [U.S.] Supreme Court is near zero.”

Republican consultant Mark Harris said he advised his clients to prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Meanwhile, state Rep. Cris Dush started circulating a memo seeking support to impeach the five Democratic justices in the state’s Supreme Court.