President Trump Tweets About Potential Oprah Presidential Run


On Sunday night, President Trump shared his thoughts about Oprah Winfrey’s latest ’60 Minutes’ interview, via Twitter, as documented by The Hill.

An Overview of Oprah’s ’60 Minutes’ Interview

Oprah Winfrey’s ’60 Minutes’ interview took place on Sunday as a follow-up to a conversation she had with seven Trump voters and seven non-Trump voters in the fall of 2017.

The talk show host sat down with the same fourteen voters last night in order to get an update on their thoughts regarding President Trump. Some people lauded the President’s accomplishments, while others censured his controversial tweets and statements.

We see one side of him outside of the office,” one Trump voter affirmed when asked by Oprah about the President’s temperament. “We don’t see what happens in the office. And what we see coming out of the office is results. So his temperament and his intellect’s gotta be high enough to create results.

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