RipOffReport & PissedConsumer Removal Scheme: Attorney Aaron Kelly, Richart Ruddie, and Attorney Daniel Warner Under Investigation


This lawsuit filed by Richart Ruddie with the ultimate beneficiary being Daniel Warner appears to have the following characteristics:

  • Fake defendant representing herself pro se
  • False assertions
  • Purpose was to remove negative material from Google.

This is not Daniel Warner’s first time attempting to de-index the listing.
In fact, on June 23, 2015, less than 5 months before Richart Ruddie filed the lawsuit, it appears that Attorney Warner attempted to take down the RipOffReport listing by claiming that the picture listed on the report violated his copyright because it was taken from LinkedIn.”

Arizona Bar & Federal Investigation

Attorney Aaron Kelly & Attorney Daniel Warner have been under investigation by the Arizona Bar for 8+ months now.  UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh originally reported these lawyers to the ABA back in March shortly before he ran this article