RipOffReport & PissedConsumer Removal Scheme: Attorney Aaron Kelly, Richart Ruddie, and Attorney Daniel Warner Under Investigation


Claims alleged against Richart Ruddie in the lawsuit included:

  • False Designation of Origin
  • Violation of Rights of Publicity
  • Deceptive Trade Practices
  • Civil Conspiracy
  • Unjust Enrichment
  • Conversion

Sources have claimed that Richart Ruddie became a referral partner to the Kelly Warner Law Firm, sending over clients to have their negative press on sites like RipOffReport de-indexed.

Also, on at least 1 occasion, Richart Ruddie was hired by Attorney Daniel Warner as a professional witness in a Federal Civil case.   Video footage would show that the Plaintiff in that case was friends with Ruddie and snowboarded with him on numerous occasions.  Additionally it would seem that there would be conflict in hiring a professional witness that is actually a client…potentially waving attorney-client privilege rights.

Last, but not least, records show that Richart Ruddie filed very suspicious litigation to remove a RipOffReport from Google about Attorney Daniel Warner.   Here are the details of that filing from this previous article: