Robot dog Spot is a star on YouTube and works on a BP oil rig


BP’s facilities technology manager, Adam Ballard, said the tasks performed by Spot make the rig safer and streamline the work.

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“Several hours a day, several operators will walk the facility; read gauges; listen for noise that doesn’t sound right; look out at the horizon for anomalies, boats that may not be caught on the radar; look for sheens.” 

“We believe a lot of that up-front, remote work preparation can be done with a remotely-controlled robot…being able to pan, tilt, zoom and really understand the entire area in real conditions, real-time,” Ballard added.

The Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) industry has been developing in the last few years. Now there are robots that are capable of all types of tasks. Whether you need more strength with an exosuit or more eyes and ears automated help is available.

Boston Dynamics has three robots available. The 2020 robot dog Spot “Explorer” sells for $74,500.


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