Top Medicare Official on Medicare-for-All: “Biggest Threat to U.S. Healthcare System!”


Finally, Verma professed that other nations which have attempted to enact socialized healthcare have experienced failure.

In her own words:

“If we look at other socialized countries that have tried this approach, what do we see there? Long wait times, poor quality health care and that’s why those people are flying to the United States to get their health care.”

Additional Concerns about Medicare-for-All

Several 2020 Democrats have come forth and endorsed Medicare-for-All. The left regularly brands socialized healthcare as an asset which will benefit everyone and ensure that all Americans have access to healthcare.

However, the statements made by Verma echo the concerns of many conservatives. Those on the right-wing overwhelmingly maintain that the quality of government-run healthcare would drastically decrease.

The financial aspects associated with Medicare-for-All are another issue which conservatives have. During a town hall earlier this week, 2020 Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders admitted that Medicare-for-All would result in higher taxes for Americans. The altogether amount of Sanders’ policies would reportedly cost each U.S. taxpayer at least $20,000.